Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Kids Clothes Week Day 2: Shutt Dress

It's day two of Kids Clothes Week! 

And, in case you haven't seen, I'm having a GIVEAWAY!
...you can enter it by clicking here

My daughter chose this dress (Shutt Dress by SewSet.) for Kids Clothes Week. I had pinned it months ago (here) with the hopes of making it, so I was really excited that she chose it and added it to my goals for the week!

I've been really frugal about buying fabric to make anything. I just have the hardest time spending an amount of money on fabric when I know I can buy something similar for less at any store on the high street. To make up for this, I keep my eye out for anything special at charity shops. I bought a sheet almost a year ago because I thought the colors and flowers would make a really pretty dress for my little girl. It was perfect for this dress!

 I didn't attempt the bunting because I know myself too well, and I knew it would make this project more of a burden than an enjoyment. 

I think it is still absolutely adorable, even without the bunting, and it's obvious that my little girl feels pretty in it, which is the most important thing! 

Great for spinning! Great for playing!

Even though, it was rainy and grey when I sewed this dress, it's going to loads of fun to wear in the sunny summer!

 If you're interested in participating in Kids Clothes Week, click here for more information.
Or you can take a look at all the great kids clothes that people are making by taking a look at the Kids Clothes Week flickr group!

I'm linking up to some of these fabulous parties.

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  1. Super adorable!

    I agree, fabric is often way too pricey! I'll be keeping on eye on the sheets now at my local thrift shops! :-)

  2. What a cute dress. Sadly my daughter is too old to dress in such pretty things

  3. This is really cute! I have this pattern too just haven't made it yet and happy to see how cute it turns out. I love the twirl factor. Actually, I like it better with out the bunting. Thanks for inspiring me. I will be making this one soon.

  4. No bunting needed! The dress is so sweet as is!

  5. What an adorable dress! It turned out great! I recognized your blog name and realized I follow your mom's blog (Jerry and Kay). Funny that I stumbled upon you via Sugar and Dots WIWW! I'm your newest follower :)

  6. what a lovely lovely model in a very soft and pretty dress! Evie, Hope you bring this dress to California.
    I love you,
    Four thumbs up to the seamstress!

  7. wow you did a great job! http://craftwithcartwright.blogspot.co.uk

  8. What an adorable little dress, Jessica!!! I love the double layer effect and it has the all important twirl factor. Thanks for the link to the pattern. I've just downloaded it.


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