I've seen thankful trees all on more than a few
blogs that I follow, all over
pinterest, and even have a friend or two with some sort of thankful tree in their home. At first, I must admit that I found the idea a little silly. Do we really need to have a tree for every holiday?? But after thinking about the real purpose of the tree and how it can be used to remind ourselves and our children to be thankful on a daily basis, and not just one day, I decided to get my kids involved and make our own thankful tree.

I thought about different ones I've seen online, but really didn't want to spend any money on decorative crafting supplies, so I took a quick look around the kitchen and spotted an empty protein powder can. I've been making smoothies for breakfast since summer and have gone through quite a few cans. Some have been transformed into marraccas, some into drums, one stores my little boy's dinosaurs, and I was delighted to use another for the thankful tree. The whole method of making the thankful tree was so easy, kid friendly, and didn't cost a penny. If you'd like to make your own (it's not too late!) take a look around your own living space and see what you can upcycle. Here's how we did ours...
empty can/container
sticks from the back garden
small rocks from our gravel driveway
packing paper or any other paper ready to be upcycled
paper clips from or other bendy wire for hanging leaves
(my other idea was to modpodge with packing paper, but decided on paint in the end because it's more fun for my kids)
Easy Peasy Steps:
(1) Find a can/container. (2) Arrange sticks & fill with small stones/rocks. (3) Paint the can.
(4) Cut leaves out of paper. (5) Write things you are thankful for on the paper. (6) Poke a paperclip through the top of the leaves and hang them from the tree.
We are cutting out leaves and hanging them each night with something new for which we are thankful. It's nice to watch our little thankful tree grow leaves while the leaves outside continue to fall.