I am really too tired to write but wanted to get these pictures up before Halloween is totally and completely a thing of the past. My little spider and pink dragonfly. Aren't they cute? Were they worth a week of late nights and over-stressing? Maybe. I'm still deciding. The biggest problem is that I started too late when I had promised myself that I wouldn't. I was supposed to start making these in September, but way back in September, Halloween seemed so far away. Then there were a few weeks of labelling clothes and toys for the
NCT sale. Then there was duty. Then there was a week in Cornwall (loved it!). Then...one week until Halloween and three bugs to make!!

Pink Dragonfly Girl wasn't so bad, but Spider Boy gave me all kinds of trouble that I won't get into. I'll just mention one thing: the pattern said to stuff the legs firmly, so I did...too firmly. Seams are still busting from how firmly I stuffed those legs! Ladybug Girl's was by far the easiest. My favorite part of our Halloween costumes was the giant bug catcher net I made from a hula hoop and netting. I enjoyed chasing and catching my little bugs.
It also made a good candy bag for Trunk or Treating! Yes, I said trunk. Picture a school parking lot, rows of cars decked out with Halloween decor, trunks filled with candy. Instead of door-to-door, we walked car-to-car and said "trunk or treeeat!"