Saturday, 19 May 2012

Tooth Pillow

We have a little friend who's about to turn 6...and about to lose his first tooth. I've wanted to make a tooth fairy pillow for years now, but never had a reason. So, I was excited to make one for our friend. I created a pinterest board of some that I liked and combined my favorite ideas to make my own design.

I used all felt. The "A" is our friend's first initial. The tooth is the pocket. Of course, I didn't have any white or orange thread, so I used a blue that matched the blue felt. It's okay, but I think I'd rather have the matching thread next time. My embroidery is also far from perfection, but that's how I do things! :-)

I was excited to learn how to make a french knot for the eyes. I know I've done it in the past, but couldn't remember how. I found a quick and clear tutorial on needlenthread after a very quick Google search. I started and finished this project in one afternoon, which is somewhat miraculous for me! I hope "A" likes it...and that he hasn't already lost his tooth! ;-)


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